What Is Tarot?

Tarot is the art of using pictures and symbols within illustrated cards to unlock messages and themes the higher-self wishes you to know. So often, the rational mind takes over in thought and pattern, keeping us stuck in unhealthy or confusing behaviors based on what is "safe." The use of Tarot and Oracle cards allow our creative, subconscious brain to use the imagery and stories as a bridge- integrating insights and answers beyond ego. This powerful tool can be used to expand self-inquiry, self-actualization, self-care, and productivity.
What To Expect At A Reading

During a session with Jessie, she will take a look at the overall theme of "where you are" and what tenets you are being called to pay attention. The session is meant to be a dialogue between all parties (Jessie, you, your guides, and highest self) with inclusions of querent questions, breathwork, discussions, aromatherapy, and will include a summary of cards and insights. If desired, special attention to chakra connections can be applied to the reading.



Tarot Pricing & Packages

Choose from any of the options below or discover more by clicking the link below.
Tarot Reading Option B
Reiki and Tarot 2-Hour Session
Tarot Reading Option C
One 90-Minute Session